The Ministerial Relief Fund is an emergency relief fund to assist pastors and their families of the Central Advent Christian Mission Society (Central Region) in time of family crisis and financial need. The financial resources available in the Fund comes from contributions from conferences, churches and individuals in the Central Region. The Fund is managed by the Board of the Central Region.

You can help support the mission and purpose of this fund in several ways:
Be alert to pastors and their families that are in need and communicate that information to the Executive Director of CACMS (contact information provided below.)

Make a regular financial contributions to the fund. Your contribution is tax deductible in accordance with the law.
Share this ministry with your church and conference and encourage them to include a line item in their budget for annual contributions to the Ministerial Relief Fund.

Send contributions to the Ministerial Relief Fund to:
Elaine Norwood
Treasurer CACMS
2237 High Ridge Parkway
Hillside, IL 60162
Clearly indicate that your contribution is for the Ministerial Relief Fund.

For more information about this Fund, to receive a free brochure that explains the fund in more detail or to communicate the name of a pastor in need contact:

William Norwood, Ed.D.

Office Phone: (708) 449-2049 
Fax: (425) 696-8993